Monday, April 28, 2014

senior service

last senior service everyone was sick so we didnt have to go.

Tuesday, April 1, 2014


      Artificial Intelligence by Steven Spielberg was made in 2001 in part with Warner Brothers Pictures.  The adventure, drama, Sci-Fi takes place in the distant future where the have created robots who look exactly like real people.  They are called Mecha's for Machines and the humans are Orgo's for Organisms.  I love all types of movies so i found this one very interesting and it was cool to see what Steven Spielberg thought what the future would be like, it not only tells a story but what other people and the writers think.  That it what I love so much about movies.
      The ending of the movie was quite interesting, it was surprising to see the alien race give David another day with his mother one last time.  The thing I was most interested by was that these aliens were so advanced and had the ability and technology to do such a thing for David.  What i would have changed about the ending is just the image that Spielberg portrays his aliens as.  It was the typical alien style.  I would have changed only a few things about the ending but otherwise I thoroughly enjoyed the movie and especially the ending.

A.I. Artificial Intelligence (2001) Poster

Monday, March 24, 2014


What is Artificial Intelligence?
The literal definition is: the theory and development of computer systems able to perform tasks that normally require human intelligence, such as visual perception, speech recognition, decision-making, and translation between languages.
=>my definition is that i have learned from movies such as iRobot, Star Wars and other classics.  What i have learned from this movies is that our generation is not that far from the science fiction movies. 

Friday, March 21, 2014

Check out My PREZI!!!!

Monday, March 17, 2014

What goes in to making the best bracket? How exactly do you pick the perfect bracket? Well lucky for you I am here to tell you how the best way to pick your teams, other than ask a magic genie who is going to win I am the closest thing!
The typical bracket is picked by numbers and who is ranked ahead of who, not once in history has that worked out.  The other way is to pick the school that you like or went to and there is a low percentage of that working out for you.  If your my mother you look up the colleges and pick who wins based off of their mascot and colors.... Not once has she won in our family march madness.
this year if its your first time starting a bracket it is already too late for you.  I have been preparing my bracket since the beginning of the season.  Watching every basketball game and dissecting who is who in college hoops.
Now I wont tell you who I have winning my bracket because I want Warren buffet to pay me that billion dollars when my genius bracket wins.

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Deutsches Altenheim!

For my senior service I decided to work at a German old folk home for individuals with Alzheimer.  Connor Peck, Sean Scales, Colm Sheehan and i had a wonderful time doing our senior service together.  We did a lot of fun things like aerobics withe the seniors and bingo.  We also washed and bathed their old decrepit bodies clean of their own feces. The after that we took some of the old ladies in their wheel chairs down to the hair salon and they were just a hoot telling us war stories and some could barely even speak but they just thoroughly enjoyed our presence and it made it gratifying all that I was doing.

Monday, March 10, 2014

Catholic Memorial Basketball has been hot as of late.  This past Saturday night they played North Quincy in the south sectional final at Umass Boston.  They won that game in a dramatic comeback fashion.  Tonight they play Central Catholic for the Emass final at THE Boston Garden.  The crowd will be the final factor in the game as Central Catholic is known for their loud and obnoxious crowds. Catholic Memorial as of late though has been showing that their crowds are something to mess with.  They completely shut down the crowds at Quincy even though they were significantly out numbered by North Quincy students.  7:30 game time be there!!!!!!

Monday, March 3, 2014

My friends and i will be doing senior service this year as it is required that all seniors at Catholic Memorial do.  My senior service will be at the Deutches Altenheim in West Roxbury mass.  It is a german old folks home and my friends and i will be helping around doing whatever we can do to help.  My grandfather has been a participant at this home for quite some time now.  He got me interested in helping out there and it is something i really look forward to.  I look forward to seeing how entertaining these people can be.  I also look forward to getting life lessons constantly from the old people and their lessons. In all i look forward to my senior service.

Monday, February 24, 2014


(Country – Gold/Silver/Bronze – Total Medals)

1. Norway – 10/4/7 – 21
2. United States – 8/6/11 – 25
3. Germany – 8/4/4 – 16
4. Russia – 7/9/7 – 23
5. Canada – 7/9/4 – 20
6. Netherlands – 6/7/9 – 22
7. Switzerland – 6/3/2 – 11
8. Belarus – 5/0/1 – 6
9. France – 4/4/7 – 15
10. Poland – 4/0/0 – 4
11. China – 3/2/1 – 6
12. Sweden – 2/6/4 – 12
13. Austria – 2/6/2 – 10
14. Czech Republic – 2/4/2 – 8
15. Korea – 2/2/1 – 5
16. Slovenia – 2/1/4 – 7
17. Japan – 1/4/3 – 8
18. Finland – 1/3/0 – 4
19. Great Britain – 1/0/2 – 3
20. Slovakia – 1/0/0 – 1
21. Italy – 0/2/6 – 8
22. Australia – 0/2/1 – 3
23. Latvia – 0/1/2 – 3
24. Croatia – 0/1/0 – 1
T-25. Kazakhstan – 0/0/1 – 1
T-25. Ukraine – 0/0/1 – 1

This recap shows the countries who have the most gold medals, not necessarily total medal count.  overall it was a successful Olympics yet again for the United States of America. disappointing losses came in the girls and boys ice hockey. surprising wins came in team figure skating! 

Monday, February 10, 2014

Flappy Bird-
The game that took the nation by storm has been taken off of itunes.  Why? well to be honest the world may never know. From what the reporters have said is that the controlling the game became "too much to handle" said Dong Ngyen the creator. constant emails everyday about all things the game, how bad it was, how no one could beat it, and how they wanted to kill who ever created the game, was too much for long duck Dong.

Monday, February 3, 2014 is a premier website where you can play online interactive games by yourself and with other online players from all around the world. Some of these games include Tower Defense and Earn To Die 2012.  I am currently a player of this website as anytime in class when i whip out my computer i go straight to that website and find an interesting game to play. I always find a game on the website and i have alot of fun while i do it.

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

What the heck is Google SketchUp? SketchUp is a 3D modeling program that is mainly used for architects.  In this program you have the ability to create and move objects to your own hearts content.  This is an easy to use program suitable for all ages above 29.  The newest update of this program had just came out, it is revolutionizes the 3D programming.

Monday, January 13, 2014

What the heck is a Makerbot? Why does it look like a toaster oven? Who names a toaster oven Makerbot?
-The Makerbot isa 3D printer. What the heck is a 3D printer?  A 3D printer is a machine that can recreate any object in minutes. It doesn't just recreate it on paper it can completely copy the whole object.  This is problematic because it can produce guns and weapons.  This is essentially a war machine. The only other issue is that it can be used for very useful things and eliminate a lot of over use of paper and products.

Monday, January 6, 2014


Super Computing for EVERYONE! "The Parallella platform is an open source, energy efficient, high performance, credit-card sized computer based on the Epiphany multicore chips developed by Adapteva. This affordable platform is designed for developing and implementing high performance, parallel processing applications developed to take advantage of the on-board Epiphany chip. The Epiphany 16 or 64 core chips consists of a scalable array of simple RISC processors programmable in C/C++ connected together with a fast on chip network within a single shared memory architecture."