Monday, November 18, 2013

21st Century Jobs:
After reading an article about the best jobs of our current century, I realized something.... I don't want any of those jobs.  Dentists, Marketing managers, computer geeks, blah blah blah. All the jobs sound and most likely are very boring jobs.  I want to do something I love, quite honestly I could care less if I get paid well or not.  As long as I love what I am doing and I can survive off of it I will pursue it to the fullest. My ideas of this include playing sports professionally or being on television traveling the world, doing anything that will keep my ADD in check.

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Is Google taking over the internet? taking over the country? taking over the world?
Recent accusations say that Google is taking over the world. Is that even possible? how could an internet program take over the world? its very simple actually Google is everywhere.  On every internet and sports team and anything Google is a sponsor, no matter where you go they are there. Just recently Google purchased YouTube, and now if you want to leave a comment or do anything on YouTube you have to create a Google account.  This is crazy and it does seem that Google is very close to taking over the world, of entertainment, not necessarily of the worlds control.

Monday, November 4, 2013

After my first semester of my senior year in high school, I am doing great!  I know where i am going for college and i am having a great time with my friends.  My grades, surprisingly, have not gone down at all.  My friends and I have had a great experience and spend a lot of time outside of school together.  My friends from school are my closest friends.  We play sports together as well as outside activities.  Senior year is GREAT.